Pastors have the unique responsibility of leading people to find hope in Jesus Christ. It requires deep personal devotion and an upstanding moral character.

Faith can be a challenging journey, but faith is the cornerstone. If you feel God calling you into ministry, begin the process today!


Becoming a pastor is no small feat and takes time. But if you feel called to this career and are ready to take your next steps in life, learning how to become a pastor could be just what you need.

Acquiring the appropriate education is essential for becoming a pastor. A pastor’s role includes instructing congregations on the Bible and their beliefs, imparting religious doctrine, as well as providing emotional support and care to those experiencing difficulties in life.

Qualifications to become a pastor vary between denominations, but most require at least a bachelor’s degree in an applicable field and some kind of master’s degree. Earning your Master of Divinity (MDiv) is one common degree option for future pastors; however, those interested can also pursue masters degrees in theology or art history.

If you have a love of the Bible and an ambition to serve your local community, becoming a pastor could be the ideal career choice for you. However, before making that leap it’s essential that you consider both your educational requirements and how much money you are willing to invest into your career.

Acquiring a degree from a regionally accredited college or university is the best way to guarantee your academic achievements will be recognized in the future. Furthermore, make sure your school has good standing with the US Department of Education; this will determine how much financial aid you may qualify for.

Another essential factor to consider is whether you want to pursue pastoring full time or part-time. Many potential pastors begin as volunteer or part-time employees first in order to gain experience and learn more about the ministry before determining if this path is suitable for them.

Once you’ve decided that becoming a pastor is the right path for you, it’s time to begin the process of becoming ordained. Every church and denomination has their own process for this; generally speaking, there is usually an initial candidacy period which necessitates completion of certain educational requirements and study. During this time, experienced pastors can mentor and guide you as needed. Upon completing this program, ordination will occur according to religious faith guidelines and traditions.


If you feel a burning desire to lead people in their faith and serve God with all your heart, becoming a pastor could be just what the doctor ordered. But before that can become reality, there are some essential facts you should be aware of.

First and foremost, decide if becoming a pastor is indeed what God has chosen for you. This may take some effort or insight from another individual, but regardless of its source, trust that He has called you in this direction and be open to doing His will.

Though a career in ministry can be highly rewarding, it also comes with plenty of hard work. As pastor, you will be responsible for leading congregations, working closely with individual church members and conducting outreach programs to offer spiritual guidance to those who may be struggling or have been abused.

Additionally, you must become well-versed in the Bible and your denomination’s teachings and doctrine. Not only will this aid you when preaching or leading training sessions, but it will enable you to communicate God’s perspective on certain matters to your audience.

You should also be prepared to pursue college education and attend a seminary. Most churches and denominations prefer candidates who have earned their master’s degree; however, some will accept those with only bachelor’s degrees after additional coursework has been completed.

While studying, take advantage of any opportunities to volunteer in your local community or with your church – such as helping out at youth groups or serving as a Sunday school teacher. This experience will give you valuable real-life skills and prepare you for life as a pastor.

Another way to gain the experience necessary to become a pastor is by participating in a church residency program. These programs are overseen by senior pastors at an established church and offer you hands-on exposure.


Pastors must possess a deep faith and the capacity to lead others. This profession requires immense sacrifice, so if you don’t believe that you possess these attributes then this career should not be pursued.

You must be willing to dedicate significant amounts of time studying and praying in order to acquire the necessary skillset and knowledge for pastoring. This involves reading Scripture, studying its meaning, and listening intently to people’s stories.

A successful pastor must be able to relate and connect with church members of any age, race or ethnicity. Additionally, he should communicate clearly and provide clear explanations of Scripture and doctrine so that followers can comprehend what is being taught.

He must also have the capacity to preach to small groups and the entire congregation, both face-to-face and via radio or television broadcast. Furthermore, he should be able to explain complex subjects clearly and compassionately.

Another prerequisite for pastors is spiritual maturity, so they can guide people along their faith journey and help them overcome temptations. Furthermore, the pastor must be able to teach sound doctrine and defend it against those who would deceive the community about Bible truths.

If you’re not sure if you want to devote yourself full-time to ministry, part-time pastoring could be the perfect option for you. This way, you can still serve your church while maintaining a family life and career at the same time.

As a pastor, it can be an honor and responsibility. However, being one also comes with its share of challenges and stresses. You need to be able to manage your responsibilities, prioritize tasks, and balance work with personal life.

Pastors must be available 24/7, whether by phone or text. Therefore, it’s essential that you are prepared to work when needed and set boundaries with your family in order to do this effectively. Without proper time management, it will become impossible for you to meet everyone’s needs and truly serve as a leader within your church.


When considering the many aspects of pastoral ministry, it is essential to remember that these tasks require prayer. Ask God for a heart for His Word and the power and love necessary for your pastor to preach it with conviction, affectionate devotion, and hope.

Additionally, pray that God will strengthen your pastor in his faith. Ask that he live as a person of genuine confession and repentance, always seeking God’s forgiveness and grace.

Pastoring can be a grueling role that requires spiritual maturity and selflessness. Ask the Lord to strengthen your pastor’s biblical understanding so they can serve God with excellence and joy (Philippians 2:5-11).

Your prayers are essential in helping you discern if your pastor is suitable for you and your family. If he pursues dishonest gain or exercises undue power over members of your church, then it’s likely not the right fit for both of you.

Pastors particularly struggle with standing firm against accusations that their lives do not reflect integrity. It can be tempting for them to conceal their sins and present themselves as morally perfect (Matthew 23:12).

Please ask the Lord to protect your pastor from Satan’s schemes. Beseech Him to fill him with His Holy Spirit and shield him from all attacks of Satan so that he may resist temptation and keep his focus on Jesus.

If you are a part of your local church, taking time each day to pray for your pastor can be an uplifting experience. Not only will this demonstrate that you care, but it will also strengthen bonds among churchgoers as one big family.

Another essential step you can take for your pastor is asking other church members and regular attendees to pray for him or her. In times of trial or crisis, having someone there who understands can be especially comforting and supportive is invaluable.